名辰生物科技股份有限公司(Good Chance Biotechnology Co., Ltd)成立於西元2013年,前身為名門易理國際股份有限公司(Very Famous International Co., Ltd),主要商品為「魔法貓(神奇貓)Magic Cat 」麝香貓咖啡及「登嵙茶DENG KE TEA」。目前已在國立中興大學實習商店精品館、國道高速公路清水休息區、國際機場及新東陽全國較大門市均有售,中國大陸、杜拜、美國、日本、馬來西亞、印度等國際廠商洽談中,將在近期打入國際市場。
印尼野生麝香貓咖啡是全世界公認最昂貴、最頂級的咖啡,名辰生物科技股份有限公司敦請國立中興大學前副校長楊秋忠Chiu-Chung Young國家終身講座教授暨中央研究院院士擷取印尼麝香貓咖啡生豆中之益生菌,培養、純化,經DNA鑑定並繁殖成功,再經楊登嵙Dengke Yang教授進行植益生菌發酵研發11年,先強調安全衛生及健康,榮獲登錄日本厚生勞動省,並申請美國、中國、台灣多國發明專利(已榮獲台灣發明專利第I581717號)。經咖啡國際鑑定單位Coffee Review評鑑,2016年、2018年、2019年及2020年四年勇奪93分或94 分。
咖啡豆經益生菌發酵後,改變蛋白質產生醣、短肽和許多的自由胺基酸,降低咖啡豆的苦澀味及咖啡因,讓發酵的咖啡豆散發出香醇口感,不苦不澀;不添加任何人工香精和糖,口感優於人工養殖生產的麝香貓咖啡,而且更安全衛生。由於咖啡就是水果,有天然的果酸,是為鹼性之保健食品。生產的「魔法貓(神奇貓)Magic Cat麝香貓咖啡」產品經檢驗,符合國際各項安全標準,無重金屬、農藥殘留及赭麴毒素,超低咖啡因,註冊商標「魔法貓(神奇貓)Magic Cat 」。榮獲台中市好禮及台灣伴手禮,與國立中興大產學合作,還有2000萬產品責任險,讓您喝出健康與品味。
現在台灣茶葉市場充斥來路不明、品質劣等進口茶葉,罔顧消費大眾健康。為了讓消費大眾買到品質穩定、價格合理、物美價廉、安全無毒、誠信有保障的好茶,通過「SGS」安全檢驗,推行食品安全,榮獲登錄日本厚生勞動省,讓大眾喝到天然甘醇的好茶,喝出健康與品味。產品命名為「名門登嵙茶」,註冊商標「登嵙茶DENG KE TEA」。
Magic Cat魔法貓麝香貓咖啡簡介
Magic Cat Civet Coffee in Brief
Indonesia wild civet coffee is recognized the most expensive and highest quality coffee in the world. This Magic Cat Civet Coffee is a product in cooperation with Professor Chiu-Chung Young, an Academician of Academia Sinica, of National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. Professor Young isolated probiotics microorganisms from the raw civet coffee beans and successfully reproduced and identified them with 16S rDNA sequencing technology. Subsequently Professor Teng-ko Yang, Hwa Hsia University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan, developed the coffee been fermentation process with the probiotics, in which safety and health is the top priority. This coffee product has already been registered with Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan, and patents have been filed in multiple countries.
After the fermentation of probiotics, the proteins in the coffee beans are altered into peptides and many other free amino acids. This method not only reduces the level of bitterness and caffeine content but also makes the probiotics-fermented coffee delicious without the bitter taste. As this product has no artificial flavor or sweete After the fermentation of probiotics, the proteins in the coffee beans are altered into peptides and many other free amino acids. This method not only reduces the level of bitterness and caffeine content but also makes the probiotics-fermented coffee delicious without the bitter taste. As this product has no artificial flavor or sweeteners added, it tastes better than farmed civet coffees and is more hygienic and safer. Furthermore the civet coffee by the Good Chance Biotechnology Co., Ltd Magic Cat Kenya Civet AFCA TOH NO.2 Gatuya Factory New Murarandia AA by Good Chance Biotechnology earned 94 points from Coffee Review in December 2020.ners added, it tastes better than farmed civet coffees and is more hygienic and safer. Furthermore the civet coffee by the Good Chance Biotechnology Co., Ltd Magic Cat Kenya Civet AFCA TOH NO.2 Gatuya Factory New Murarandia AA by Good Chance Biotechnology earned 94 points from Coffee Review in December 2020.
The coffee was also awarded Taiwan Souvenirs and Taichung Best Gift Prize. This product meets international food safety standards, and has no ochratoxins, no pesticide residue, and low caffeine content. It actually brings you exquisite taste of enjoyment.Finally the product is also protected by a liability insurance of twenty million NT dollars. For more information please visit http://magiccat.pro